Rancho Solano Athletic Booster - Letter from Athletic Director
I am pleased to introduce the Mustangs Athletics Booster Club (ABC)! When I arrived at Rancho 11 years ago, we set a goal to build a strong booster club that would support our outstanding student-athletes and our programs. Thanks to the hard work and support of the Rancho Solano PTO and current ABC Board Members Kyle Robertson, Nicole Goldberg, and Michelle Boncel, the Booster Club is stronger than ever! It is the vision of the ABC to foster our Rancho Solano pride through the development of our athletic programs. Our athletic department is committed to developing student-athletes of high character. With the support of the ABC, we will be able to provide an unparalleled experience for all of our student-athletes. We are fortunate to have the best students and parents in Arizona at Rancho Solano Prep and I look forward to growing the relationships between our families and our athletics programs. Together we can build the best athletics programs in Arizona and create a memorable school experience for our students!
Go Mustangs! -Coach Aaron Trigg
Mustang’s Athletic Booster Club Mission Statement:
To produce and environment that inspires student athletes, coaches, parents and the community to collectively create a positive and spirited atmosphere for all athletic programs. Our desire is to build strong moral character and academic excellence in the student athletes while seeking to raise funds for Mustangs school athletics.